My Cycling Page
Updated 11/12/2018 Cycling Links:
The Granite State Wheelmen
League of American Bicyclists
Sea Gull Century '99 - October 9, 1999
Types of Bicycles: Learn More About Tandem Bikes!
Fresh Frame
Nashbar Home Page
The WWW Bike Repair Shop the online bike repair manual
Harris Cyclery articles About Bicycle Repair
Lancaster Bicycle Club - Covered Bridge Metric
Pedaling West (Cross CountryCycling Log)
City Bike Safet for Kids
Understanding High Blood Pressure
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety for All Ages
Another suggestion for a link by Brian Henderson. Thank you Brian.
Michelle was very excited to share it with you! It covers community and advocacy information, where to find online forums and bike groups, health information about cycling and general bike safety! She didn't see it listed but thought other bike enthusiasts would enjoy it as much as we have! Will
Pictures from some of our rides:
Recumbent tandem on a Seagull Century.
Rest Stops 1 and 3 on the Seagull Century.

Our group ready to start the
Its been a long day.